Sunday, March 02, 2008

65th Wedding Anniversary...

One year ago today, my family and I gathered to bury my grandfather, Poppy, next to my grandmother, Nana, on what would have been their 64th wedding anniversary.
Today, many of the people who were there last year, reconvened for the unveiling of the gravestone.
There's certainly a void in all of our that can never be filled, but of course, we recognize that life goes on...and it goes on in the smiles of Calanit who sat on my sister's lap for the entire ceremony and the warm embrace of Erez who napped for most of the time on my lap and then, as 2 year old boys are wont to do, began to climb on the tombstones of others.
My aunt's friend, Carol, had the great thought of bringing roses to adorn the top of the grave and my sister-in-law, the rabbi, led a moving and appropriate service that touched all of us.
It's strange to think that it has been a year since we saw Air Force One pay its final salute to our Poppy and how much has changed in all of our lives as well. How much our grandparents haven't seen...and obviously never will; how the NFO and I work through stories and pictures to maintain the memory of Nana and Poppy within the minds of our children, knowing that the battle is an uphill one.
Hearing the stories again, surrounded by those who knew and loved them most, gave me a strong and warm feeling. I knew that, no matter how much time passes, they will always be a part of me.
I guess that's a hint of eternity.
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