Saturday, February 02, 2008

Training Camp...

I used to tell the NFO that it wasn't fair for me to get up in the middle of the night right after a new baby was born.

The way I figured it, she had been having difficulty sleeping for months and, as such, was physically ready for 3 am feedings, etc.

I, on the other hand, had not been affected at all and consequently, it was the equivalent of throwing me into the deep end.

Perhaps, with #3, the bedrest is God's way of whipping me into shape for the logistical and operational challenges of going from the proverbial "man to man" to "zone." Cuz, man, I was beat yesterday.

And with that, comes the need to effectively "leverage our network," so a huge thanks to the many of you who have offered assistance (don't worry, I WILL ask you for it) and to a few who have delivered big assists this week

  • Mosh Teitelbaum picked up my dry cleaning at 11pm (I had just left it on the front stoop)
  • Daphne Price hosted Tonka for a 4 hour playdate
  • My sisters took Paco and Tonka for a sleepover
  • Karen Wasserstein parachuted in with a great meal
  • David Price picked up some groceries
  • and our awesome neighbors, Ronna and Steve w/a whole slew of activities.

Again, I have no shame and will contact those who asked and a big shout out to the many who have called on their way to various places. I'm sure I'll forget someone, but Ahava, Panina, Keren, Tamar, Carol, Marci, Tamar & Jeremy (not us), and Gadi all offered and we appreciate it!!!

And good news (for everyone)...the NFO is breaking down on the whole "letting others do things for us."

We now have

  1. a list of items needed by store
  2. a list of nights available for prepared meals

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