Thursday, February 07, 2008

Social Etiquette Question....

Since Gadi tells me that the blog is getting a bit too intense (see his comment here), I will change it up.

The NFO (Nameless/Faceless one) and I are just overwhelmed by the gracious offers of assistance we've received. So many people. Just tremendous.

So, here's an interesting one.

A few people have made dinner for us and brought the food over in Ziploc containers. So far, so good.

Question: what is the expectation about whether they should be

On the one hand, the cost of the containers can add up and you are using
your own inventory up. Is that part of the "cost" of the generosity? Does it lead to resentment if you don't get your containers back? In other words, is Ziploc more like a glass platter (I think most would expect that back) than an aluminum pan (most wouldn't)

On the other hand, you are trying to relieve the recipients of some layer
of hassle in their lives. Is it adding hassle to expect that they will return
the containers?

And, if the recipients are in a prolonged state of, let's call it "being
short-handed," how long would one reasonably expect to wait?

I honestly don't know what the right answer is, so I'm open to thoughts.

Am I overthinking?
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