Monday, February 18, 2008

Random Comments from Labor and Delivery room...

Why I'm predicting girl.

Ok, healthy baby is most critical, but here's why girl would be neat.

The NFO (my spouse, aka Nameless/Faceless One) has 6 siblings. Four of them are married. All four of those have at least 3 children.

What's incredible to my mathematical mind is that NONE of the sequences of children repeat.

For example (if x= girl and y=boy)

Sibling 1 has X Y Y Y

Sibling 2 has Y Y X X

Sibling 3 has Y Y Y

Sibling 4 has X X Y

We are X Y


By my calculations, there is a 1/8 chance of a sequence repeating, so it's pretty neat that the odds have played out. Of course, if we have a boy, our sequence will repeat with that of Sibling 1. Hence, why a girl would be cool.

Regardless, healthy baby, but let's have a little fun (and, if it's a boy, yes, I'll still love him as much.)

Other random thoughts....


I'm finishing up our taxes.

Why is figuring out cost basis so difficult?

I'm tired. It's 11:30 pm.

Why can't kids be born in the middle of the day?

Wireless connectivity rocks.

Using my laptop to bluetooth to my phone to connect to Net. Sweet.

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