Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Movie: Maxed Out

Maxed Out is about the huge pain that is inflicted on people (and our society) when it comes to debt.

A decidedly liberal slant was obvious, but that didn't really bother me.

I was genuinely moved by the stories of the people portrayed. The hypocrisy displayed by government officials (much more in the film on the GOP side, of course) does turn your stomach. You wonder...where does it end?

The reason why I would only give this movie 2.5 stars is not because of its bias or its poor ability to tell a story. The bias was fine and the storytelling was very effective. I get the problem. It's huge. Real people are being hurt (and let's assume that individual responsibility has nothing to do with it)

What I didn't like is that there was (aside from one Harvard professor saying "I don't know the answer") no effort to even offer up a solution. Ok, it's a big deal, now what?

That's where I felt disappointed by this film.

I did feel thankful for the, I believe, relatively solid financial education I received from my parents and grandparents.

And, I felt a bit of nerves, wondering if I'd be able to duplicate that for all of my brood.
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