Monday, February 18, 2008

Hiring with Diversity in Mind...

The OB was just talking about her appreciation of the "patient diversity" in her new practice since moving here and leaving the military.

Made me remember a thought I buddy Tjada will be happy.

There's a mantra at Microsoft called "Hiring with Diversity in Mind."

At first pass, it smells of affirmative action.

But, I was thinking about it the other day after I joined my 4th or 5th con call in a row and realized..."hey, everyone with whom I've spoken to today is white."

A lot of women, yes, but everyone was white.

On the flip side, that's obviously not the make up of our customer base, so it got me wondering..."what assumptions are we making about behavior that may not be accurate? What are we missing?"

It put the concept of "hiring with diversity in mind" in a whole new light.

Now, obviously, there's a fine line, because quality of employee needs to be paramount, but ethnic and racial component of a candidate is an element of quality.

Ok, now back to helping my wife give birth...

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