Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Circle of Life...

When we found out that my sister-in-law was having a boy, my mom secretly (read: told everyone) wished that we would have a girl.

You see, both the NFO and my sister-in-law were pregnant at the same time.

And my mom was thinking about our beloved Nana and Poppy who both died just about a year ago.

Her dream: to have one child to "replace" (not the best word, but it's 4am) each one of them.

And, in some divine type of circle being closed, that is in fact what has happened.

Of all the things that happened to night, it was that thought that brought tears to my eyes.


Other Notes

Congratulations to Aviva who won the ad-hoc Baby Pool.

And it looks like the sibling birth sequences are unique

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