Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Bedrest Fatigue...

Those of you with kids can the morning, when you hear the 6am wake-up call, there's no better feeling than rolling over to your spouse and saying,

"you know, I got up with the kids yesterday."

and then, peacefully and with a clear conscience, going back to sleep.

But, when your spouse is on bedrest, you don't get any days off.

I'm not going to suggest that it's more difficult for me than the NFO, it's not. However, that doesn't change the fact that I am pretty tired of this.

I've done more laundry, dishes, cleaning up, carpools, in the past 3 weeks than in the previous 3 months. Ok, slight exaggeration, but the lack of a break in the grind is, like erosion, starting to wear me down.

It's like running a to keep going...only thing is, I don't know the mile marker.
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