Wednesday, February 06, 2008

and why the Dems should fear McCain

I watched Obama's speech last night and really wanted to be impressed and moved. I wasn't. Maybe expectations were so high following the NH speech. Don't know, but I couldn't help thinking...

-how many people are like blog reader/commenter Jdub who say "ideas are great, but where's the beef?"
-or like a liberal blogger I read who explains why he chose Hilary over Barack (hint: it's an interesting twist on Mac vs. PC)

The risk for the GOP is that people are just moved by the emotion of Obama and that carries him to victory b/c most people won't ask the tough questions of "ok, HOW are you going to do that?"

But the bigger problem for the Dems is that they have two candidates who are "big bets."

Barack-you are betting on the emotional appeal.
Hillary-you are betting on the experience/Clinton machine

There's a lot of risk in that proposition because of the way that you may turn off people of your own party for those same reasons.

But, in McCain, you have a relatively liberal Republican with a high potential of crossover appeal.

I thought it was only Rudy. I was wrong.

The Evangelicals can choose to not show up in Nov, but I think the deal for them is the same.

"Get 50% of what you want or 0%."

They may cut off their nose to spite their face, but with a potential 6 judges on the line, I doubt it.

What that means is that the liberal wing of the GOP is announcing strong, "we're the only chance we have in 2008." And what that means is that middle of the roaders may feel more comfortable with a McCain.

Whatever, it'll be interesting.
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