Wednesday, February 27, 2008

20th Democratic Debate..and First

It may have been the 20th for them, but it was the first for me.

The NFO went out dancing (yes, I am not kidding) and I was holding Ahn (working nickname seed).

I am not voting for either of them, so it wasn't like I was trying to be persuaded or something like that.

I've got to tell you that, although Obama certainly is more inspiring than Clinton in the speech giving arena, I thought he held up well in the debate.

A few observations about style:

  1. There was one interchange where Clinton was attacking Obama for saying he "denounced" but didn't "reject" Farrakhan's support. She was making a big deal about it. Obama finally said, "ok, I concede the point. I denounce and reject!" Brilliant.
  2. When Clinton spoke, Obama looked at her. When Obama spoke, Clinton looked down. There was also one answer at the end (don't remember which one) where she just wasn't making eye contact at all with Tim Russert, looking down. Made me feel like she wasn't being honest.
  3. On releasing her tax returns, she said: "I'm getting those together. It's taking some time." Are you kidding me? I could walk downstairs and give you my last 6 years of return and be back by the time the commercial was over. You don't want to release it. Fine. You're hiding stuff. I get it. Don't take me for a fool.
  4. Obama is left-handed. So is my brother, Barak. Bizarre coincidence.

On the more substantive issues

  1. Who doesn't want universal health care? I just don't understand how we're going to pay for it and, at the same time, give people the level of care they expect/deserve? How do you price a life? (see Epidemic of Care if you want a PHENOMENAL book primer on the subject)
  2. NAFTA-You're going to pull out if you don't get it re-written? Protectionism, much? You want economic hardship for the whole country? Do that. The best primer on this topic is The Choice by Russell Roberts.
  3. Taxes--oh, by the way, if you institute mandatory health care at rates based upon your income, that's a nice way of saying "I'm going to raise taxes."
  4. Foreign Policy-aside from the "oh, I was an idiot for voting on Iraq" or "we need to get out," I didn't hear anything substantive about the threat of radical Islam to Western Civilization. Further proof, IMHO, that it's not top of mind for the Dems...and another reason why I'm not voting for them.
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