Monday, January 07, 2008

Movie: Blood Diamond

You may remember the post I had a while back encouraging people to stop buying diamonds because of a  History Channel documentary.

Well, Hollywood's version (Blood Diamond) has done nothing to persuade me away from that stance. And I commend them for taking on the subject in a, I thought, brutally honest way.

Di Caprio did a phenomenal job in his role as a Zimbabwean/South Afrian smuggler/mercenary and the supporting cast was really first rate.

The violence was gruesome and the story heart-wrenching, but hey, if you want to go buy your "rock," well then, at least you should have an idea of the damage you are inflicting on bodies and lives on the other side of the world. At least you can't claim ignorance and you can display your susceptibility to the power of marketing with full knowledge of the implication of your decision.

If there were a tenth as much outrage about diamonds as there were about global warming or Iraq war or AIDS, we'd be a hell of a lot better off.

Great movie that connects with you and builds awareness at the same time.

And, sell those diamonds! (Not joking)

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