Sunday, January 06, 2008

Family Field Trip...Next

In the latest of our monthly Sunday field trips to take advantage of our location in DC, we went to the Museum of Natural History.

As usual, the highlight was "taking the chugga chugga [aka Metro] to the museum," but they did enjoy a number of hands-on activities, including the Insect exhibit and the Mammals of the World.

Don't know how I'll pull this off with three, but I'll try.

Two interesting things occurred during our travels. One on the way there and one on the way back.

On the Metro down there, out of the blue, Tonka says, "How come there are more people with brown faces than white faces?"

I have NO idea where this came from as I've never raised the subject of race with her.

And on the way back, I discovered how kids can do emotional damage to their parents without even trying that hard.

"Tonka, what was your favorite part of the museum?"
"I didn't like anything at all."

And a side note...I met a woman on a plane the other day and she works in Minnetonka, MN.

I've decided, if the new baby is a girl, we'll have Tonka and Minnetonka. :-)
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