Friday, January 18, 2008

Eavesdropping pays....

By the time I got to the gate for my flight to Houston, the seats immediately around it were mostly occupied.

I went across the way and took a seat there, noticing as I did, that the flight departing from that gate was also going to Baltimore, only it was scheduled for 2 hours later.

Soon after I got there, the first announcement came over the PA

"We have mechanics on the plane right now. We will update you in 20 minutes."

The time for update kept getting pushed back.

I saw a man approach the desk of the gate for the later Baltimore flight.

He looked familiar. I knew where I had met him, but his name, at the moment, escaped me.

As I stared at him, I started listening to his conversation with the gate agent.

"I want to switch to this flight to Baltimore. If they aren't going to tell us the situation until 6pm, that means we're not leaving until 6.45pm, at the earliest. This flight is at 7.15pm and it's guaranteed."

"Brilliant," I thought. The old "bird in the hand" adage at play.

I approached him and after a minute, Charlie and I had reconnected. Equally important...he saved my travel experience home!

And to continue the bird analogy..."two birds with one stone." Got to reconnect with a first-rate technologist AND got home earlier. For all I know, that other plane is still in Houston.

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