Monday, January 28, 2008

Baby Paradigm Shifter....

Topline message: the nameless one is in the hospital right now and the word is, "she's not getting out until she delivers."

A few weeks ago, I was thinking about how challenging it was when Paco was born. The kid literally didn't sleep through the night for the first year of his life.

"How much harder can it get?" I thought.

After having some contractions over the course of the weekend and some other symptoms, the nameless one went to the hospital this afternoon and I got my answer...a baby that is going to come out 5-6 weeks early.

Sleep is at a premium now since I'm playing zone defense for the foreseeable future, but the docs managed to give some medication to slow things down a bit. The goal is to get to 34 weeks, at a minimum.

As I left, being a man of data, I pushed the attending on the odds. Here's his line.

"I'm going to do everything I can to prevent it tonight. I want to go at least 3 or 4 more days until 34 weeks. I'd say 60% chance of delivery this week and a near certainty within the next 2 weeks.

You know I'll keep you posted.

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