Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Asking for help...

The Nameless and Faceless One (henceforth NFO) has a hard time asking for assistance during times of need.

I don't.

At the same time, I don't judge if people don't offer. After all, you've got your own life to lead.

That being said, I am just blown away by the wonderful community we have and the numerous offers of assistance. So....

If you are naturally magnanimous and other-centric (I'm not, but NFO is) and you feel the compulsion to offer assistance, here's my request/suggestion.

If you are going somewhere common anyway let us know ( you know, the grocery, kosher butcher, hardware, Costco, Target, S&M store...places like that)

(email, phone, IM, Twitter, Facebook, are all acceptable.)

If we're here and we need something (I'm having the NFO build a store-centric list of necessary items, I will unashamedly outsource to you. If we're not, you still get credit anyway.

(I didn't say I wasn't keeping score, just that I wasn't judging!)


  1. no special trips are permitted
  2. you will be reimbursed for the cost of the items.
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