Friday, January 25, 2008

Abuse of Privilege?

And, one friend, Sam, who always calls me Senator.
A few weeks ago, there was an issue with the membership database. I logged in (remotely, of course) to troubleshoot.
Now, even though I have full access, I NEVER look at individual financial records (I'm serious, I don't), but I did feel an awesome power (you know, with great power comes great responsibility). So, with the responsibility part addressed (leaving financials to the side), I decided that the "great power" part had to be addressed.
So I changed my title in the database.
Now, (see the lower left corner), all mail from the synagogue comes addressed to:
"Count and Countess von Epstein"
Note: It is blog posts like this that will keep me from running for President, I know. But, I think it's genetic. There's at least one story of my grandfather telling someone that he was Phil Donahue (they did look similar).
Hope you view this as a harmless joke and not an ethical lapse.
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