Thursday, December 27, 2007

Why We're Here...

One of the hardest parts of being a father, I think, is finding the balance between doing things for your kids and spending time with your kids.

You feel compelled to work hard, to give them the things you want them to have, and that can become a mild (or major) obsession.

But you have to step back and are doing this for them and TIME is the most valuable thing you can give them.

Today, I took Paco with me to Costco. Man on Man. We had a blast.

He sat in the large part of the cart and I instructed him what items to put in the basket. We chatted about the concept of the "big box retailer," how they make up margin with volume, and how trucks are so critical to America's commercial infrastructure.

On the way home, he yawned, and I said, "Paco, no sleeping!"

He smiled...and then did a fake yawn.

"Paco, no sleeping!"

This kept up for the ENTIRE ride home. Neither of us got tired of it.

After he went down for his nap, Tonka got back from her playdate.

Much like knowing your customer, you need to know your kids.

Tonka likes are, so we worked on one picture for 1.5 hours....all the while discussing colors, friends, and the like...and just laughing. We played some games as well.

I felt really good about the quality of time I had with them today...It's easy to get caught up in the day to day, but we can never forget why we're here.

Update: And on another note... in my role as developer of independent beings, I am excited to say that BOTH of them are sleeping over at my sisters' apartment in Dupont Circle tonight (and each of them has had/will have a 1 night sleepover at my parents).
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