Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Sushi Hannukah

Whenever I come to Seattle for Microsoft, I go to the same sushi restaurant.


Because 6 months ago, I went there and the waitress was Jewish and she made sure I only got fish (thereby saving me the hassle of explaining what is shellfish and what isn't permitted).

So, now, I call her before I come to town, ask her what nights she is working and build my dinner schedule around it.

I bring everyone there.

I came out today and brought my hannukiah (incorrectly referred to as Hannukah Menorah, but that's another topic) with me for 8th night (the final one).

Iwas going to light in my room. Then, I said, "I bet Elizabeth [the waitress] would appreciate the spark of yiddishkeit in her day. You know, my old buddy, Shu [Rabbi Shu Eliovson] would do it."

So, I brought the hannukiah, ok'd it w/Elizabeth and lit all the candles with her (blessings and all) on the table in the sushi joint.

And here's our magnificent array of 4 hannukiot
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