Monday, December 10, 2007

Reflections on 4 years of fatherhood...

I've said it often, quoting my mom, "the days are long and the years are short."

I barely remember last year's bday (thank goodness for the blog), but I vividly remember the day she was born.

And, today, while she was watching a DVD wearing her gift ballerina outfit, I looked at her and paused.

I hoped I know her as well as I think I know her and as I want her to know me.

She looked so big, particularly in relation to how small she once was.

It was today, also, that I signed her up for a County-led art class, for the first time, I think (aside from a few sessions at school), that we consciously said, "let's develop the strengths of this young being."

And the march to adulthood continues.

What a privilege it is to be a father to this girl.
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