Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Pregnancy Cravings and Corporate Sponsorship...

When the nameless one was pregnant with Tonka, she had only one craving.

Luna Bars.

One night, around 8pm back in 2003, she says to me,

"Sweetie, can you run out and get me some Luna bars? We're all out."

"It's pretty late, can't you wait until tomorrow?"

"Not really."

"Ugh. Where are they?"

"At the Safeway."

"What?! That's about 5 miles away. Come on, you can make it."

Eventually, she gave up and, surprisingly enough, there's never been a craving (at least one I've heard of) since.

But I made it up to her.

I called the company and asked for the VP of Marketing.

"So, you bill yourself as a protein bar for women. I thought you might like to know that my wife's sole craving during her pregnancy is for your product."

"That's great to hear. Thanks for calling."

"Yeah, so, I was wondering, do you think Luna Bar would like to be the official corporate sponsor of the pregnancy?"

"Uh, well, we don't really have a program for that or anything."

"Hmm....well why don't you just send me a box of luna bars and a t-shirt and we'll give you the rights anyway?"

"Sure, we'll do it. What's her favorite flavor?"

"Nutz Over Chocolate."

Sure enough, we get a box of 20 bars and some coupons.

I told this story the other day and was reminded about it, since with exactly 100 days to go, we're still looking for Baby #3's corporate sponsor (and no, Paco didn't have one)

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