Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Israeli Dance Marathon...

Some Jews go out to Chinese Food on Christmas Eve.

Other hardcore types, go to Moshe Shem-Tov's Israeli Dance Marathon, an annual event that lasts until 3:30am.

Yes, you read that correctly.

Moshe is the pre-eminent "Markid" of Israeli Dance in the DC area and has a weekly session on Thursday nights (for all levels) at Tikvat Israel congregation in Rockville.

It's a great time for people at all levels (Moshe is a great teacher) and the crowd is very friendly.

Normally, I am at home while the nameless one is in attendance, but the young dancing proteges, the famed duo of Paco and Tonka made an appearance, much to the crowd's delight.

Of course, they preferred the snacking to the dancing (I guess they take after me), but they had a great time.

We saw some old friends, like Mike Fox, (love the branding) and made some new ones (like Aviva Albert, who brought her coloring book)

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