Sunday, December 09, 2007

Channukah History Outing...

For the next in our series of outings, I took the kids to the Jewish Museum of Maryland where they had a "make your own edible dreidel" activity for the kids as well as some solid exhibits.

I particularly enjoyed the "Voices of Lombard Street," [here's the brochure] which was Baltimore's equivalent to the Lower East Side and, once again, makes you appreciate the struggle of the first wave of Jewish immigrants to America.

IT also made me think of Nana and Poppy, two native Baltimoreans who loved their city of birth (even though they didn't grow up on Lombard Street).

We also, briefly b/c Paco was in meltdown mode, had a chance to enter the Lloyd St. Synagogue, which is the oldest synagogue in Maryland and the 3rd oldest in the US.
[The best part was that Chizuk Amuno, the synagogue that started in protest of some of the changes at Lloyd ST. is literally one block away! Got to love that. So typical of the Tribe, eh?)

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