Monday, October 01, 2007

Road Trips in the DVD era...

I'm obviously not one to be anti-technology, but I wondered what we lost on our road trip, by making the portable DVD player available to the kids.

We certainly had less screaming and fighting and whining, definitely a positive, but we also had to consciously tell ourselves to turn off the DVD and help our kids understand that "the journey is the destination."

Plus, I wondered if things like "the license plate game" and other road trip favorites have gone the way of the Dodo bird?

I did explain to them, as we crossed the Delaware Memorial Bridge, why waterways were of historic importance from a economic development perspective. Plus, we engaged them in the beauty of upstate NY's nature (the leaves are just beginning to turn). Some of the stuff just requires more work. It's easy to get lazy and go DVD the whole time.

Like everything else, a balance, I suppose.

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