Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Marital Medical Communications...

It may not be this way in every marriage, but in many I've observed, the mother keeps much more up to date with the medical issues of the child than the father.

This morning, I was "asked" to take Paco to the doctor.

In the past, I would debate, saying "he's fine," but now I know that it's not worth it and I should just take him. Besides, even if "it's just a virus," there's always the 1 out of 10 times when it's not and well, let's just say, it's not worth it.

So, I get there for the "sick hours" at 7.50am (they begin at 8) and usually, I am the first one (the time lag between first and 2nd is HUGE), but today, there is another dad there who obviously knows my system.

We share the same story, "our kids are fine" and laugh that knowing husband laugh.

He kindly lets me go first (what a guy!) and we're in to see the doctor by 8.02.

Of course, the MD tells me that it was wise to come now and that we should give Paco some pre-emptive doses from the nebulizer.

I'm more upset about being wrong (again!) than the fact that Paco is sick (yes, I know that's warped).

But, I've learned my lesson and instead of trying to remember everything the doctor says, I just hold up my phone as a dictating machine and have the doctor give all of the instructions right into it.

When I get home, I acknowledge again, how wrong I was (score has increased I suppose) and just play the recording. No recall necessary. Humble pie is the breakfast fare.
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