Saturday, October 13, 2007

How long are the days?

I've quoted my mom quite a few times on the blog (here and here and here and here and here and here, for example).

Today, I finally figured out the equation for just HOW long.

I was able to go for a run in the late PM and when I came back, I took over solo duty for Paco and Tonka for exactly 100 minutes.

I was pretty wiped out, as I had to navigate through dinner, baths, and bedtime (high degree of difficulty), but when I was finished, I said, that felt more like 3 hours (180 minutes) than 100 minutes.

So my new parenting work effort ratio is 1.8:1.

So, if one spouse works an 8 hour day at an office, and the other spouse spends the day with the kids, it's as if the home-staying spouse worked a 14.4 hour day.
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