Sunday, September 23, 2007

Yom Kippur and Realization....

I love Yom Kippur. It's definitely my favorite holiday.

Something about the intensity and the focus of the day; the altered state you reach in mid-afternoon. The "hump" you need to get over (aka Kafka's "night journey")

Yesterday, though, I was troubled. I was reading the THE RAMBAM'S THIRTEEN PRINCIPLESOF JEWISH FAITH and I had a realization.

I am not sure I believe in all of them. Casting aside "firmly" for a moment, I can accept most of them, but #11 troubled me.

An intellectually honest friend of mine was behind me in services and I asked his opinions. He said, "not sure I accept all of them."

Of course, he then added, with a smile, "not sure now is the best time for this!"
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