Sunday, September 16, 2007

Internet Soul Sister...

There are very few out there in Internet world who see the possibilities of technology in exactly the same vein as I do.

Jamie Rubin is one of them.

As my sister, Dina, says, "She's the West Coast version of you."

She's on [see her profile] Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter,, and everything else in between and what's more, she REALLY gets it (and she has a killer business card to prove it)

Had the privilege of dining with her on Wed. night for Rosh Hashana. We hadn't seen each other in 6 years or more, but between all of the social networking sites that we use, we felt like we were completely up to date with each other (in fact, probably more so than with some of the folks we see on a daily basis). She's a vindication, in my mind, of the power/potential of this era.

As she said so eloquently,
"some people don't see what I am excited about. I just think this is the
greatest time to be alive."
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