Saturday, September 15, 2007

Book Review: The Number

I referred to The Number in this post last week, which prompted an email exchange with the author.

I finished the book this weekend and it falls into the category of "think about how you think" books that I've been reading lately (see here and here).

The message is clear...most of us are not ready for retirement (and all that means) for a variety of reasons
  1. we're afraid to talk about it
  2. we're going to live longer than we expect
  3. Social Security probably won't be there
  4. we're not in touch with how much things will actually cost

I like books and ideas that make you confront reality. This is one of them.

We're blessed to live in a time of abundance and phenomenal healthcare treatments. How do you plan accordingly?

If you followed the whole debate about my financial planner (and were interested in the issues the commenters and I raised), do yourself a favor and read this book. When you're retired, you can call me to say thanks (or just find this blog post and make a comment ;-)

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