Monday, September 03, 2007

Blood Diamonds...

For those of you who have (or purchased a diamond), you are granted amnesty in my mind.

Going forward, however, I am going to have a different view of people who actively choose to buy/own a diamond (of any kind).

If you understand the laws of economics and you have an ounce of compassion, you should watch the documentary called "Blood Diamonds" from the History Channel.

Saying a diamond is "conflict-free" doesn't matter, because it is the demand for diamonds (and the monopoly of De Beers) that creates the artificially high prices, which allow groups like RUF in Sierra Leone to raise money and commit atrocities. The markets are inextricably linked.

When you buy a diamond...any diamond, you contribute indirectly to helping these conflicts fester.

Before, we could all plead ignorance. Now, unfortunately, we can't.

We need to change our perception from De Beers' cute (and highly effective) marketing slogan of "A Diamond is Forever" to something like "A Diamond is _________" [you fill in the blank].

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