Sunday, September 09, 2007

Beethoven's 9th...

This morning, as I was driving the kids around and delivering Rosh Hashana packages to homebound seniors, we were listening to the classical music station (as we always do) and we picked up the middle part of Beethoven's 9th Symphony (listen here).

I was transported back to a night about 8 years ago when my cousin Abram called me one afternoon and said, "I've got an extra ticket to the Symphony at Lincoln Center, would you like to join me?" (Similar to another mental association with German culture here)

Never one to pass up an offer like that, I took him up on the offer and am I glad I did.

Hearing the 9th performed LIVE is a powerful experience. The music is powerful. Just fantastic.

As a student of German, I sought out the words from Schiller's "An die Freude" and started just belting them out in the car.

The kids were fascinated...and then mesmerized and quiet. They really liked it and appreciated it (so much so that I put it on at home for them and they just sat there listening. A wonderful scene).

I called my cousin to thank him again.

Take a few minutes and listen for yourself.
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