Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Parenting the 2nd time around...

I feel a bit bad for Paco.

I certainly am excited about his progress as he hits his 2nd bday (today), but it's certainly not the rush it was the first time around.

Hey, I've got to be honest here.

For weeks, he would count "1, 2, 3,4,5, 8, 9, 10" and then, the other morning, out of nowhere, he did it perfectly."

Tonight, he did a first rate "#2" in the potty.

Yes, we were high-fiving, but somehow, the feeling of "the first" wasn't there.

It's like climbing Everest.

Still a GREAT achievement, but someone's already done it.

I guess the challenge is for me to find the firsts for him (oh, and there are plenty as Tungsten never hurled herself off the bed headfirst, for example) and celebrate them in their own right.

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