Friday, August 31, 2007

Career Grand Slam (of Kids)

My cousin in Dallas, Barry, is a master of trivia and, perhaps even more intriguing, is his willingness (like me) to seriously debate minutiae within an intellectual framework.

He is always good for thought provoking discussion.

He's introduced the concept of "Career Grand Slam" for kids.

The "Career Grand Slam" is from tennis. The Grand Slam is when one player has a victory in the US Open, Wimbledon, French Open, and Australian Open (all in the same year.) A "career" one is, of course, over the course of one's career (he cited Andre Agassi has having won each tournament, but in different years.)

For kids, the concept is to have 1 child (you need at least four to qualify) born in each of the actual seasons (and using hard dates of Sept. 21, Dec. 21, March 21, June 21 as the cutoff).

We spent some time thinking about it and you know what? It's hard to find families that have that.

So, the question is:

Do you know of families who have achieved this elusive goal?

With baby #3, we will have 3 of the seasons down (Tonka is Dec. 10 and Paco is Aug 14, so we've got summer and fall covered. #3 will most likely be a winter one).

Let me know via comments.

Barry is thinking of inducting any of them into a "Family Hall of Fame."

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