Thursday, August 16, 2007

2nd Phone Line for $

The telecom revolution continues.

I've installed a product called MagicJack which you connect via USB to your PC. They claim it takes one minute to set up (it took about 5), but once you do, you select your location and a phone number. 

On the other side of the USB is a standard phone jack. Plug in any phone and pick it up. You get a dial tone.

I've made a week's worth of calls on it and I have to say, it works.

The voice mail is a bit weird (still haven't mastered that), but I can make/receive calls. It can integrate w/Outlook so you can dial directly from your contact.

I thought about, but am not ready to, make this our primary phone. The problem is that your computer has to be on all of the time and you know those dang Windows automatic updates/restarts? Well, it happens and your phone goes down.

But, as a 2nd line, it's a great solution.

It looks like the first year is $40 (cost of device) and the 2nd year is $ Not per month, per year.

Wish they had a referral program :-) 

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