Monday, July 16, 2007

The "N" Word...

Heard a report a few weeks ago on NPR that during the NAACP convention, there was a funeral procession held for "the N word."

The commentator noted that the primary use of the "N word" is done by Black Americans and the NAACP recognized this as a problem.

During my conversation with the Sierra Leonan cabbie, I mentioned that, at least in my circles, people would be shocked and angered to hear the "N-word" used in a negative way. I'm sure in some parts, it's ok, but not mine, I assured him.

So, it was interesting that when I was taking Tonka to the pool yesterday and the windows were down, we were at a stoplight and next to us drove up a young Arfican-American man, listening quite loudly to rap music. Within 8 seconds, Tonka was exposed to the "N-word" 3 times [I was trying to close the windows].

She didn't ask me about it, but it was clearly spoken and she definitely heard it.

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