Monday, July 02, 2007

Parent-Just Add Water

Was stuck in traffic last week and randomly called a good friend, Adam Feller, who lives in Charleston, SC.

He recently married a woman who has two children, ages 5 and 7 (I believe).

While he's loving family life, there's some culture shock.

You know how when you are single or don't have kids, you look at the parents of a screaming child and ask yourself, "how do they do it?"

The thing that is easy to forget is that these people have had years or training to get ready for that point. They didn't just parachute in to a situation with kids...unlike Adam.

Poor guy...he's just landed in a situation where the first time he can sit down and talk to his wife is at 11pm. Lunches to make, carpools, etc.

Now, of course, the pros definitely outweigh the cons, but my sympathies went out to him. If I just landed in that situation, I'd probably go crazy.

Instant Parent is tough...but instant grandparent is the way to go.

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