Friday, June 08, 2007

A Whole New Mind...Meeting...

Some of you may remember my series of posts on the book "A Whole New Mind" which justified my watching of "Dancing with the Stars," reading "Good Housekeeping," and ironing napkins for dinner guests.

Well, on August 24th of last year, I emailed the author (he lives in DC) with a request to meet. 5 times over that timeframe, he has said, "I am travelling, ping me in XX weeks." (Since I read his blog, I know he wasn't making it ALL up :-)...

Persistence pays date set for next Wed.

Now, I just have to figure out what I'm going to say!!

Just kidding, I'm very excited about it.

Here are some of the topics, I am considering. Open to suggestions from those of you who have read his book based on my suggestion.

  1. As a society, we still talk in the language of math/science scores…how are we doing in the right brain scoring?
  2. Who is the best? Why? (he just came back from Japan, so that'll be a point of commonality)
  3. Is it a cultural thing? Can cultures be changed in this respect?
  4. How do you change a personal image/brand? (mine) or a corporate one (Microsoft)…geeky, not right brain vs. Apple, for example.

And an etiquette question...I asked for the meeting, do I have to buy the coffee? :-)

Or since he delayed it 5 times over 10 months, should he reward persistence? :-)

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