Sunday, June 24, 2007

On the field...again

Felt good as a father today. Made every minute count. Or as I like to say, "left it all out on the field."
  1. Woke up with Paco at 6:30am.
  2. Arranged for my 60 year old neighbor to sit in the living room while Paco napped and I took Tonka to her swimming lesson (she did great).
  3. Changed at the pool, came home, grabbed the boy, went to Tonka's friend's birthday party. Got there late, in time for pizza and cake.
  4. Left for a pool party/BarBQ of some friends of ours. Not the easiest watching 2 non-swimming kids for 2 hours alone, but did it.
  5. Went to Home Depot for 30 minutes.
  6. Came home for 20 minutes.
  7. Went to another BarBQ/outdoor activity event.
  8. Finally, got the kids home and in bed.

Non-stop, but fun. This is what it's all about.
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