Monday, June 25, 2007


I treat my kids differently. Calanit listens to most commands. Paco doesn't.  Sometimes when he doesn't listen, it's an issue of safety that's involved (e.g. playing with the doors). When I react, sometimes I raise my voice. I wish I didn't, but if there's one area of my parenting that needs work, it is this one (there isn't one, but for argument's sake, we'll say there is).

I don't mean to imply that I am yelling my head off all the time, but I've noticed with Paco, I tend to do it more. Most of the time, I think, it's safety (like when I took them to the pool yesterday), but I want to arrest it at most. I know that raising your voice doesn't necessarily add much in terms of parenting...and probably accelerates his tuning me out.

I'm open to suggestions...

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