Sunday, June 10, 2007

Book Review: The Experts' Guide...

Actually titled, The Experts' Guide to 100 Things Everyone Should Know How to Do , this is some cute, light reading and within the 100, you are bound to find 10 or so that you really put to use.

There are short entries by experts in the field, the CEO of Kodak on taking a picture, Tucker Carlson on tying a bow tie, and Steven Covey on managing your time.

Topics range from preparing eggs, doing laundry, and changing a diaper to relaxing, breathing, planning a trip, and kissing (I enjoy practicing this one) and have made a point of mastering "how to tie a Windsor knot."

I tended to read one or two while sitting in the bathroom and keeping an eye on the kids in the bathtub. Light, but fun.
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