Sunday, June 10, 2007

Birth Liveblogging...remotely

One of the great email threads of all time, in my humble opinion (IMHO) took place the day Eyden Price was born (see here).

Well, any moment now, Eyden is going to pick up a sibling.

My instructions to Daphne were: "Ask for the epidural and then tell David to email me."

This morning, at 10am, the first email came in:

Subject: V-day or C-day

At holy cross. Contractions 5 minutes apart. Will keep you posted.

Then, after a few email exchanges,

Heading home. Not ready yet.

the update around 1pm was:

Still the same.
2cm dilated.
90% efaced.
5min between contractions.
At home. Will probably be back there today sometime.

For kicks, I stopped by their house this PM and took a picture of our "contracting heroine". (will be posted soon)

4 hours later (a few minutes ago) this email came in:

Back at holy cross. Waiting to be seen.

Will keep you updated.

BTW, here's a definition of "LiveBlogging"

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