Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Movie Review: Swordfish

Not sure what type of mood I am in that draws me to movies like Swordfish and Inside Man. In both of them, bank robbers, with ostensibly noble motives achieve their objectives and "get away with it".

What I liked about Swordfish included: the storyline...Like Inside Man, I found myself trying to sort it all out afterwards. Still thinking about it. Sign of a good movie.

Travolta was solid, reminding me a bit of his role in Basic, and Halle Berry (pretty sexy in her role) and Hugh Jackman (redeeming himself from van Helsing) also did a nice job.

The questions that the movie raised: "would you kill 1 innocent to save 1 million innocents?" was posed in a fascinating way.

Plus, the techno-gadget angle was, as to be expected, quite enjoyable.
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