Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Movie Review: The Good Shepherd

If you read the reviews on Netflix about this movie, you will see most people didn't like it.

I can't say that I loved it, though I am sympathetic to the 'it's too long argument.' At just under 3 hours, it was an endeavor. The only good thing for me was that since I have a policy of only watching movies while I am working out on the Nordic Track, I got a lot of exercise in (over 2 nights, but still).

I love Matt Damon...just think he is a great actor. I liked some of the espionage angles and use of technology. I felt for him as a lonely guy. Didn't think it was horrible, but for all of the starpower (DeNiro, Jolie, Baldwin, Turturro-who was great), it probably could/should have been more.

3 stars.

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