Saturday, May 12, 2007

Mother's Day Gift...

Last week, one of the blogs I read, posts a "Mother's Day iPod Giveaway Contest." (see here) as a part of their CrunchGear brand.

I would never buy one w/my own $ due to corporate loyalty issues, but I figured, "why not?" I'll go for it.

You can see all of the entries here.

And, of course, I wouldn't post if the story didn't end up in my favor :-)

Yes, my wife's mother's day gift is a brand new iPod Nano. I'm going upstairs to give it to her now!

More Kid ROI, right?

Here was my note:

What’s not to love?

My son’s ‘sippee cup’ of milk is placed at the bottom of the heart.

Construction material: Maxi-blocks… spelling “WE Love You”

And, of course, Elmo at hand…

BTW, if you like to follow the Tech world unfold at a blistering pace, you've got to visit TechCrunch.
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