Sunday, May 27, 2007

Learning the basics....

Had lunch with an old friend a few weeks ago. We were discussing the mammoth job that is fatherhood...beyond the basics of shelter, education, etc.

He was talking about showing his son how to throw a baseball and shoot a basketball.

For the past few weeks, I've been grilling Calanit on such questions as:

  1. how many seconds in a minute?
  2. how many minutes in an hour?
  3. how many hours in a day?
  4. how many days in a week?
  5. how many months in a year?
  6. what's our phone number?

These basic skills of life...just as important as some of the macro stuff.

The little things that our parents do for us (like the alphabet), that we never think about, or thank them for. Whoa.

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