Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Kids, Career, and Time

As many nights as possible, I spend a few minutes talking with Calanit about her day. It's usually the same story (who she played with, being the focus), but recently, I've gotten the acute sense of just how quickly my kids are growing up. (see Playground Self-Sufficiency)

Yes, I've made efforts to Cherish Them and in Stopping to smell the roses, but for some reason today, I felt a sea-change in my relationship with them.

I fear sometimes that they will grow up and...poof!...I won't really know them. It's difficult enough knowing yourself and your spouse, but your kids, particularly when the bulk of their days (more and more) are spent away from me.

I took a few minutes this afternoon to play w/Paco and his blocks. For the first time, he said the word "tower" and I was glad to be there. Felt a bit validated, I suppose.

I think I was feeling introspective after reading a post by Fred Wilson about the number of successful entrepreneurs in their 20's and the implication that, after 20, you may have missed that boat. That's not to say that your career is over, but your chance of a grand slam seems to be slimmer.



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