Sunday, May 20, 2007

D.C. Excursions...

I met a woman from Chicago at a Bat Mitzvah a few weeks ago. She told me that when her kids were younger, she made a point of taking them on a unique Chicago excursion at least once per month.

Stuff will always get in the way...birthday parties, trips to Home Depot, etc., but you have to be committed.

So, today, we did what I hope will be the first of our monthly adventures. We had no plan (may be hard for you to believe about me.)

Drove downtown and stopped at Haines Point to see the "Giant coming out of the Ground" and also a visit to the National Sculpture Garden.

My dad joined us on the trip. We spent about 2 hours altogether in the city and it was GREAT. There's so much to see in this city and so easy to take it for granted. We refuse to do that.

A few lessons.

we're going to take the subway in the future. Parking ruins the experience.
  1. there's a higher percentage of people who don't know what they are doing on the roads on Sunday morning.

Since it's not a workday, many familiar drivers are off the roads. This races the proportion of tourists and the elderly.

What's more, for the elderly, it's the proverbial 'little old lady,' since women live longer than men. And, probably, they think it's safer (since it's not a workday) to get out on the roads at that time.

Of course, one day, I'll be an old driver and view things differently.

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