Sunday, May 13, 2007


I've taken a new approach to Calanit's clothing.

On Sundays, which is my day, I give her basic parameters "you can't wear a dress or a raincoat" and then say, "after that, it is up to you."

It's not a battle I even want to fight. Too often, an outfit is picked out for her and she's got some issue with it.

When I'm in charge, I have to conserve energy and getting her to match...well, who cares if she wears a rainbow striped shirt and Dora the Explorer print pants? She's happy and heck, she's only a kid once, right?

And, life is about trade-offs, right?

So, I tell her, "with me, you can wear whatever you want...the rest of the week, your mother will choose your outfits, ok?"

She's happy with that deal...and so am I.

My only regret? I didn't take a picture of her outfit today. A true classic. :-)
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