Sunday, May 20, 2007

Allocation Day....

Today was the day when my mom and her sisters formally divided up Nana and Poppy's possessions.

It was about as smooth and non-confrontational as you could ask for, which was a good thing.

The hard part was the emotional side.

I was doing ok until my mom asked Calanit to choose one of Nana's frogs (that was her collectible of choice) as a keepsake.

That's when I realized there was a chance that my daughter wouldn't remember my grandmother...and the odds of my 21 month old son, running gleefully around the apartment, wouldn't either....made me feel overwhelmed and saddened.

Calanit chose 2 and also got a doll that Nana used to love playing with her.

If someone says to you, "this was your great-grandmother's item," what does that mean to you, if you didn't know the person?

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