Monday, May 14, 2007

15 minutes can save you 15%...or maybe 28%

One thing I've learned re: pays to call re-examine your policy every so often.

The process kicks off when I get a direct mail piece from GEICO about car insurance. I figure, "why not?", but I say to them, "I am going to email you a PDF of my current coverage. I want the EXACT same coverage and just a quote."

The GEICO number comes back EXACTLY 15.3% below my current coverage. Whoa! Neat, huh? (You think they do that on purpose?)

I call Progressive, just to get a third opinion, and they are way more expensive.

Next, I call Liberty Mutual (my current insurance provider)
"I've got a quote from a competitor here that's a lot less than what I pay
with you. Should we negotiate or do I just go with them?"
[I was feeling flush post-Comcast]

Well, amazingly enough, we are now (thanks to 3 years of clean driving) a "preferred customer" and wouldn't you know it?

Our annual auto insurance payment dropped by 28%.

Next: Homeowners insurance.
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