Friday, April 20, 2007

The Thrill of the Random Occurrence..

I get a strange rush when a few random events happen in sequence.

For example, it's not often that I think about Sacagawea, so it was odd that on Tuesday night, a colleague of mine who had come in from North Dakota brought me a "Sacagawea" brand of honey and then on Wed. night, when I decided to watch the Simpsons on my DVR (I had taped 1 episode 4 months ago and only had stored, since I never watch it) and that one episode had a segment on, you guessed it, Sacagawea.

And the other night, I was quickly flipping through the channels and came across a Public Television show devoted solely to showing 1 piece of great artwork and accompanying that with one piece of classical music.

In an instant, I recognized the artwork, one of my 3 all-time favorites, "Wanderer Above the Mist" which hangs in my "man cave." (more man cave posts here)

For 3 minutes, I was mesmerized, examining the picture in ways I never had, but I couldn't help thinking...."of all the paintings to show, they chose this one...and I just happened to see it."

Anyway, there's probably a word for this, but I just kind of get a kick out of it when these things happen.

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